Saturday, May 14, 2011

My final goodbye

So I've sat here for over an hour, trying to figure out how to write this blog so that 1) I can get my feelings out 2) make sure "anonymous" understands that I'm thankful for having them in my life even if it wasn't for a lifetime, and 3) explain that even through the hurt, I trust in God's work in my life. Well I've come to realize that there really isn't an easy way to do that. So instead of trying to connect all the three together and make an amazing blog, I'm just going to get all three of my points out in what ever way they seem to flow.

1) The best way I can figure out how to explain my feelings... is to say that goodbyes stink. Anyone who has ever grown apart from a best friend will understand how I'm feeling. It's hard to finally realize that a friendship is no longer existent, esp when you think of that person, the first thing you think about is all the fun you had with them. But I suppose there comes a time when bestfriends sometimes have different paths in life. There is really nothing you can do about it besides make sure that person knows that you care about them and move on But none the less, I hate goodbyes with a passion!!

2) Dear anonymous; Thank you for always being there for me when I needed a friend. You always knew how to make me feel better. Though I'd come to you with tears in my eyes looking for advice, I usually left with no advice but always a big smile. I could always count on you to turn my day around! I'm sorry that things ended the way they did. I want you to know that even if we aren't best friends anymore, I still care about you and I pray for you often. I thank God for putting you in my life, though I'm sad to see you go. Stay safe while you are away & know that I'm always here.

3) Dear God; Thank you for all the people You put in my life. I know that with every person you add in, there is a lesson (or twenty) to learn. And though things may not work out the way I want them to, it's not about me, it's about You! So even when I'm hard headed and stubborn, I trust that You know when it's time to let a person go. So thank you for allowing "anonymous" to be put into my life and for all the lessons I am able to take away from our friendship.

"I guess it's gonna have to hurt, I guess I'm gonna have to cry. And let go of some things I've loved, to get to the other side. I guess it's gonna break me down, like falling when you try to fly. It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life, starts with goodbye."