Saturday, July 24, 2010

Over thinking..

After deleting this blog post two times already, my good friend C pointed out that I was over thinking my blog post about over thinking!

Over the past two weeks, I have not only over thought emails, texts & statements but also events that happened weeks ago & those that have yet to come.

Four years ago, I dated a guy who was not very good at telling the truth. In the past couple years, he has texted me randomly & said that he doesn't remember who I am but still has my number in his phone. I assume he is just trying to stay in my life & he is out to get me. Who is to say that he honestly didn't remember?

Since R left 9 weeks ago, I have been worried about my weight; how I am going to lose the weight before he comes home, what if I don't lose enough? But then I am reminded that he is my husband. He isn't going to come home & stop loving me if I don't lose any weight. He is going to love me the same, if not more since we will have been apart for so long. Why do I assume he won't love me anymore if I'm still a size 5 when he comes home?

Talking to a friend today, we were talking about R being gone for 9 months & he told me that he felt sorry for me. Of course I started to worry about it. I found myself telling C that I didn't want people to pity me & feel sorry for me. It wasn't for a couple minutes until I realized that he meant it in the best way possible. Why would someone being sympathetic upset me?

Today is July 24, I have 5 months & 1 day until Christmas. Here I am trying to think of presents for all of R's family since he will not be here to help pick any thing out & I'm already over thinking every thing. When I start to think of something, I worry about what they will think of it & what if they don't like it! Christmas is not about the presents but about the celebration of Christ's birth & it is best spent with family; so why, 5 months ahead of time, am I so stinking worried about it?!

Philippians 4:6-7 says:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I know that no matter how much I over thinking things & no matter the crazy amount of things I worry about, God will always be there for me. For the next week, I challenge not only myself but also you to forget about the unimportant things & to pray about the things in life that make you anxious. We don't have to spend our whole lives worrying; all we have to do is pray & God will give us peace! : )

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