Wednesday, August 4, 2010

All we need is a little patience..

A week & a half ago, my good friend C & I went to church. The pastor said, "you need to PATIENTLY wait on the Lord; He will bring you strength!" For the rest of the time I was in town visiting with her, we tried to push ourselves & each other to remember to be patient with life. It wasn't until that week that I realized just how impatient I actually was. Whether it be waiting for an answer, waiting in traffic, waiting for results, or waiting for our loved ones. Patience truly is a virtue!!

Some people expect to get an answer as soon as they pray about something. Most people expect to get an answer as soon as they ask a question or make a suggestion. Even though technology is high speed, it doesn't mean everything in life is going to be also. We have to remember to be patient while God answers our prays. He isn't going to give you a sign or an answer as soon as you ask Him for something; same goes for people. Some times people need a chance to think about the question before answering it. It is not the end of the world, we need to patiently wait for it.

Living in Hampton Roads basically means sitting in traffic on a daily basis & having to deal with drivers from all over the country. Being impatient isn't going to make anyone else a better driver; it won't get you there any faster and it definitely won't leave you in a good mood. Instead of honking, yelling, cussing & complaining, try enjoying the extra time you have either with a friend, husband, family member or by yourself. It gives you a chance to talk a little longer or enjoy your choice of music. It is also one of the best times to spend time with God; i mean what distractions do you really have? It's just you & Him- enjoy it!!

When it comes to working out, almost everyone expects to see results immediately & I know I feel the same way at times. This is probably one of the hardest situations for me to be patient with. It takes more than a day of eating right & working out to see results. It may take months to see the exact results you want. Working out & eating right isn't just about getting skinny; it's about getting healthy & in shape too. So even if it takes a while to get your results, it's making you healthier with every day that passes!

The Navy wife life is a tough life & definitely takes a lot of patience. Your husband is gone just as much (if not more) than he is home. The Navy has rule over his life- even if you are the most important thing in his life, he still has to answer to the Navy first. While he is away on deployment, he is defending his country & fulfilling his duty. I don't blame any one for missing their husband & every one has the right to complain every once in a while. But it's important to be patient for his return; spending every minute complaining will not bring him home any quicker. Instead of being impatient & in a bad mood, think of his time away as an overly extended girls day! It gives you plenty of time to work on yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually & also in school, work, at home! There is a way to turn the negative of him being gone into a positive!!

Auguste Rodin says "Patience is also a form of action" & I couldn't agree more. So next time you find yourself in traffic or working out, make sure you remember to be patient- it honestly does get your further in life : )


  1. Umm...I love that we were just talking about this the other day! This is honestly just what I needed to hear! I am so proud of how you developed into such an amazing Christian woman!:) I love you and I pray for you everyday!

  2. " tear" we did do really good at being patient!!! I have been so much more patient since that week too! although i think we both get excited about stuff that's coming, i am proud of us! And i enjoyed all of our extra time in the car heheh :-) <3

  3. I thought what you said about being a navy wife was great! It is tough, but make the best out of it. Instead of being all mopey everyday until he is back, be happy and build yourself up, it will build your confidence as well. :) Everyone has one life to live, might as well be smiling, dont ya think! :)

    Following you @
