Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 1: Introduce

I'm not very good at introducing myself so I'm going to keep this pretty short. My name is Rebecca Nicole Ashley; I'm the girl with three first names. I'm currently awaiting my twenty-first birthday.

My favorite color is yellow because it's so bright and it makes me happy. It reminds me of the sunshine : )

I have been married for almost sixteen months to (one of my) best friends. We have been together for almost three years, and I couldn't be happier. R, my husband, has been in the United States Navy for two years as of October 1st. We will be in Virginia for the next three years, but I'm very excited to see where the Navy will take us next.

I have two brothers, one is ten and the other is twenty-three as of today. My older brother, A, is a mechanic and has been for six years. I couldn't be more thankful for all he has done for me the past couple months. My younger brother, J, just started the fifth grade this past week. J was diagnosed with aspergers a couple months ago, and it has taught me a whole new meaning to love and patience.

My mom currently works at a Wachovia while my dad works at Dominion Virginia Power (& no, you can't call him when you're power goes out. He can't help you with that one!) My parents are finalizing their divorce after twenty years together. Although they don't seem like they will get back together, I refuse to give up hope!!

I believe in soul mates, true love, and happy endings. I'm in favor of forgiveness and second chances. I believe that being optimistic gets you way further in life than being a pessimist will. I believe that you have to take the good with the bad, even when things are tough.

I would have gone crazy this past year without Riley and Roxie, my puppy and kitty. They are my furbabies, and i love them like my own children. They always make life more interesting.

Fall is my favorite season. I love the weather that allows you to wear jeans and a hoodie. The fall time is the prettiest time of the year with all the different colored leaves. Going to the pumpkin patch and spending Thanksgiving with family are another two of my favorite things about it.

I'm very thankful for my husband, as he is my best friend and soul mate. He is currently on deployment, and I absolutely can NOT wait for him to get home. Hurry up, time!!

Jesus Christ died for me, so I live for Him. Since I began my relationship with God, I have been the happiest person! It's incredible the ways He affects everything in my life. I couldn't be more thankful for all He has done for me; I truly am blessed.

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