Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 3: Your parents

My whole childhood, my parents were married & we seemed like one happy family. Recently, that all changed though. My parents just couldn't work out their differences and decided it was time for them to get a divorce. After 20 years of saying "My parents are still together", I've had to start saying "My parents are divorced". Even though they think they will never get back together, I still have hope, and I will pray without ceasing!

A little bit about my mom; My mom has three kids, 23, 20 (me!) & 10. She had my older brother, A, when she was 17. Even though she had us young, she was always the cool mom! My mom was always a stay at home mom. She helped out at our schools as much as she could; she would go on field trips with us, help out at the book fairs, even bring us cupcakes and lunch on our birthday every year in elementary school. She is the type of mom that no matter what trouble you got yourself into, no matter the circumstances of a trouble time, she is always there for me. Even when I do things that I'm not proud of, she will stay by myself and let me cry on her shoulder as long as I need to. She is a very busy woman; working part time at a bank in Richmond and raising my 10 year old brother!

I was always the biggest daddy's girl! When I was little, I loved cabbage patch dolls.. until they were in MY spot on daddy's lap. I would take the dolls off his lap, throw them on the ground (very angrily!!) & climb up into my spot! My dad is one of the hardest workers I have ever met. He was in the Navy for about 8 years, working as a Nuke. Years later, he got a job working at Dominion Virginia Power. He works crazy hours, and his schedule changes every couple of days. But no matter how long he has been working, he still always makes time for us. No matter what my situation is, he is always right there to say that everything will be okay.

I wouldn't trade my parents for the world. They mean so much to me, and I thank God for them every single day!

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