Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 5: Your definition of love

On the list of topics to blog about, this one was titled "Your definition of loveDay". I personally thought of it as a typo, like maybe the person who made the list forgot to put a space in between to start the next line for day six. So instead of blogging about loveDay, I'm going to write about my definition of love because I think that's what it was supposed to say!!

I believe there are numerous types of love. I personally have felt love for my husband, my mom & dad, my brothers, my best friends, my unborn baby, and that for my Savior. All of these types of love are completely different, but I will explain my definition of each!

The love for my husband is unconditional. No matter what we go through, I will never love him any less; only more and more with every passing day. I promise to always be there for him, no matter what. This love is the kind that gives me butterflies when I get a call from an "unavailable" number on my phone; the kind that makes me all giddy just thinking about getting to see him again! It's the fact that even when we are thousands of miles from each other, we can still make each other feel important. This is the kind of love I will wait months to get back because he means that much to me!

When I was younger, it always seemed like I had so many rules to follow. I never understood why my parents made me have a curfew, told me "no" when I thought I should have been told "yes". I never understood why my parents "ruined my life" as I said numerous times as teenager. But I now understand that they weren't doing it to be mean, they were giving me rules because they loved me and wanted what's best for me. Even when I was caught breaking the rules and going behind their back, they still loved for me it! Without my parents, I wouldn't be here; I would be nothing. They both gave me so much and went out of their way to make us happy. I will always be grateful for all they do; I love you mom & dad!

Growing up, my brothers were always the first to pick on me and give me a hard time over nothing. I know that I can always rely on my brothers, and I will always be there for them. They are the only ones that fully know what growing up was like in our family, and I wouldn't have wanted to share it with anyone else!!

For me a best friend is someone you can tell your secrets to and not have to worry about the whole word finding out; Someone who will listen without judging, someone who will be honest when you ask for an opinion, not tell you what you want to hear. A best friend is someone who won't make a big deal about agreeing to disagree with you. My best friends are definitely worth living for.

Most everyone knows, but October of 2009, I found out I was pregnant. From the moment I saw those 2 pink lines, I immediately fell in love. I was imagining picking names, decorating a room, and a lifetime of memories! We went to the doctors just to confirm it. He walked back into the room and said "Congratulations!!"; I knew I was glowing. I couldn't have been more excited for our little bundle of joy to get here! Three weeks later, we lost the baby but those were the happiest three weeks for us since we had gotten married. I didn't understand how I could love someone so much that I had never met; that's the love that I knew my parents felt!

Last but definitely not least, is the love for Our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the one that is always there for me, will never let me down, and will love me unconditionally. No matter how much I may have strayed from Him when I was younger, He was still there for me to run to and forgiving of everything I did wrong in my life. God will never judge you, won't tell your biggest secret, love you with His whole heart (I mean He gave His son for us, that's a pretty deep love!), He will support you, and be your best friend!! : )

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