Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 8: A Moment

There I was, standing on a stage in front of a bunch of people. I was sweating from being so nervous, I know my hands were clammy, my white heels were sticking to the stage. Behind me were two of the most important friends in my life. In front of me.. the man I was going to marry; the one I would spend the rest of my years with, my soul mate.

As I was standing up there, my mind was racing the whole time. What if people saw me fidgeting my legs the whole time? What if some one in my family, or his, didn't approve? What if every one thought we were making a mistake?

Then it occurred to me; why did I care what other people thought? This was my life and my one chance to shine! I knew that if my family, or his, thought we were making a mistake, they would have stopped us from going through with it. They would have mentioned it earlier, and if that were the case, I wouldn't have been standing on that stage on May 23, 2009.

Many people wondered why we would choose to get married so young; R being 20 and me 19. Numerous people asked me when I was due and one woman even rubbed my belly. When I would ask them back, "due for what?", they all looked at me like I was crazy. There was no way I would want to get married to be married, right? There had to be a reason, right? DUH! Of course there was a reason; I loved him and he loved me! We knew we were making the right decision. We didn't expect it to be easy, but we knew there were no other person we'd rather go through life with.

After what seemed like a life time of talking, after being burned with the dripping wax from our unity candle, and after exchanging our rings, Pastor Mark then said, "You may kiss the bride!". I will never be able to explain how I felt at that very moment. I wanted to laugh, I wanted to cry. I have butterflies worse than ever before. Once I heard, "I now present to you, Mr & Mrs A!!", I knew that I had made the perfect decision. I never felt so happy in my entire life.

I thank God for blessing my life with R every day. Even though he isn't here all the time, I know he will always be there for me, through thick and thin. I look forward to seeing all the great things God has for us in our future!
I love you R forever and always

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