Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 2: Your first love

I, like most girls, have thought I was "in love" a couple times before I actually met my one and only!

My sophomore year of high school, I started dating RN. We got along very well, never argued, and considered ourselves perfect for each other. After 9 months of being "in love", the talk of God started to come. RN did not believe in God or Jesus, he actually was very against the idea of being a Christian. He did not like the idea of me going to church and living my life for Jesus, so I knew we were meant to be!

Also during my sophomore year of high school, I started to work at Ukrop's, a grocery store. There was a guy that was always smiling, happy-go-lucky, and just a lot of fun to be around. T & I started to hang out all the time; we were the best of friends. We went on dates even though at the time we didn't consider them to be dates at the time. We could hang out every day without getting tired of each other, and never stopped having fun. We were best friends for about 3 years when he told me he was joining the Marines. He asked me to be his girlfriend, but I was pretty sure I couldn't handle the military life style. I told him I didn't want to start a relationship knowing he was leaving in a week, only to be gone for 13 weeks for boot camp. He wrote me letters all of boot camp, and I went down to Parris Island, for his boot camp graduation. I'm not really sure why things did not work out between us, but I know it was all part of God's plan for me. I trusted that God knew what was best for me, which brings me to my husband!

After getting out of a bad relationship, I told myself I was done. There was no way I was going to date another high school boy, EVER! I was going to wait to college because I was sure I could find someone who was mature enough to treat me well! I was completely fine with my decision,happy actually until this guy kept standing out to me. While I was dating K, this cute, bright blue-eyed guy kept walking by; it almost seemed like he was trying to get my attention. Well after K & I were done, this guy kept showing up everywhere. I didn't know his name or his reasoning for "bugging" me, but he ended up getting my attention. I looked for him on myspace (because that was the "cool" website online) & I sent him a message telling him I thought he was cute! We started writing back & forth, he asked for my phone number, and he would walk me to my car every day after school. Then he asked me if I wanted to hang out; he took me to Sunday Park & asked me to be his girlfriend. Countless dates, trips to the park, movie nights, and just enjoying each others company wouldn't even begin to cover all we did together. In September, R left for boot camp, and it gave new meaning to our relationship. Even though we only lived off each others letters, we made it through & we couldn't have felt more accomplished! December 25Th, 2008, R asked me to marry him at Sunday Park, the same exact spot he asked me to be his girlfriend! We absolutely couldn't wait to get married and be together for good. So May 2009, we got married : ) After three years of being together, he still gives me butterflies, and I couldn't be happier.

I know God brought us together and kept us together for a certain reason. I honestly do believe R is my soul mate, and I thank God for putting him in my life everyday : )

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