Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 7: Your Best friend

Throughout my life, I have only had a couple people that I could actually call my best friend. I always had close friends but few best friends. Currently, I consider myself to have three best friends. Instead of sticking to the topic of "your best friend" and having to pick only one, I'm going to tell you a little bit of all three of them.

JLC! She has been my best friend for eight years now. It all started when we were in middle school (J a grade higher than me). My mom told me that she didn't want me to walk the couple blocks home alone and suggested that I ask J to walk with me. Embarrassed that my mom wouldn't let me walk alone, I mustered up the courage to ask her to walk with me since we lived down the street from each other. So we started walking to and from the bus stop every day. J has always been someone that I can count on. She is always there for me to cry to and always knows the right things to say. Even though she doesn't always tell me what I want to hear, she tells me what I need to hear which is one of my favorite things about her! We have spent eight years crying together, growing together, and making fools out of ourselves together. Without her, I would not have survived the awkward stages of middle school, the crazy boys of high school, my insane freshman year at Longwood or life in general! I'm very blessed to have her in my life and I thank God for her every day; she is the lime to my lemon!! : )

RCA! R came around when I was already in a relationship but that didn't last long. I swore I was done with high school boys, but he stayed persistent. I couldn't have been more thankful than to have him there with me my senior year. We have gotten to share so much together: our show choir trip to NYC, senior prom, graduation, me getting into and moving away to college, him joining and leaving for the Navy. He has stayed by my side through all of these even when things got tough. He has shown me that even after you are 'old' and married, you can still have a good time! He brings out the best in me and I can't help but find myself smiling around him all the time. Out of all the people in the world, I wouldn't want to share my life with anyone else!! I have been lucky to enough to have him as my husband, but I have truly been blessed to have him as my best friend too!

CEBS! A couple years ago, a group of Navy girlfriends decided that we would make our own private group on facebook where we all got to connect on a deeper level. There were/ are about 30 of us in the group and one of them has become one of my best friends. C was always one of those Navy girls that I always thought it would be cool to meet in real life. We talked for a couple years when she told me that her husband, also named R, got orders to Virginia! I remember being so excited to finally get to meet her but also nervous because we hadn't even talked on the phone. The day they were moving to Virginia, C called me crying about the apartments they had planned to move in. About a week later, I went over to her apartment to meet her for the first time. From then on, we got to know each other even more and started hanging out at least once a week. A year and some months later, we have become very close friends. C and I share the same beliefs; I never knew that was so important in a friendship until recently. She is the type of friend that I don't have to worry about being a complete goof around because I know she won't judge me! I know God put her in my life because He knew we would always be there for each other (not to mention our pups are best friends but that's just another excuse for us to be friends!)

1 comment:

  1. Umm...So that made me cry! I love you Becks! You are the best BEST FRANNNN ever! :)
